When publishing work with results generated by this powder diffractometer, please include the following sentence in the Acknowledgements section:
‘The support of the National Science Foundation (CHE-1429768) for the purchase of the powder X-ray diffractometer is gratefully acknowledged.’
For both the D2 and D8 we use Diffrac.eva to analyze data. When you install diffrac.eva the installer will install 3 items: codemeter (allows you to connect to the license server, local access only - you can't run it from home), diffrac.eva, and the COD (crystallography open database). Sometimes for unknown reasons the COD does not install, so install that separately after running the main install. Note these are Windows only programs and diffrac.eva will only work on a computer on the chemistry network - requires a license checkout from the license server.
diffrac.eva Cluster Analysis Manual
Bruker supplied training videos for the D2 Phaser
D8 Variable Temperature Stage SOP
D8 XYZ Stage SOP
X-Ray and Accelerator Radiation Safety Program
Link to UNR's radiation safety webpage