NMR training and manuals
SIL rules sheet: After completion scan using department copier and email to [email protected]
Please watch all of these videos before coming down for hands on training.
First time user training : After completion scan using department copier and email to [email protected]
Nitrogen filling training : After completion scan using department copier and email to [email protected]
Agilent 7600- AS User Guide autosampler on DMS NMR (2065 is magnet/autosampler alignment error)
Commands and Parameters VNMRJ version 4.0
Custom Pulse Sequence Generation with button
- make 3 necessary files - all three files should have the same name, see page 483 of Spectroscopy Guide
- construct yout pulse sequence and save it in psglib, then compile it in a terminal by typing seqgen filename
- save your parameters in /home/walkup/vnmrsys/parlib (File -> Save as in vnmrj and select par as the file type)
- save your macro in maclib
- then go Tools -> Study Clones... -> Command & Protocol Button
- click Make Protocol button
Determination of the diffusion constant by NMR
- collect a 1D proton of your sample and optimize pw90 and gain on v400 (data is inconsistent on 400-mr/still working on it)
- use diffusionSS button
- make sure spinner is off
- use at least an nt of 2
- Array gzlvlE with the following values 0, 2000, 6000, 8000,10000,14000,16000,20000
- here is the excel workup of the 1% CHCl3 in d6-acetone on v400 where you calibrate the gradients with acetone and then workup the CHCl3 data using the calibrated gradients
- here is a handout on the PFG-SE
- here is a video of the data workup
Running Deuterium NMR
Here is the easy way to do it:
- Put your sample into the NMR
- Under automation acquire a proton spection (letting the system autolock and autoshim)
- After it is done load in a Carbon experiment directly by clicking on it (don’t start a new study queue)
- Turn off lock by going to the Start tab then Lock, then uncheck the Lock box
- Now go to te Acquire tab and select channels option then change the Nucleus/freq box from C13 to lk
- set the gain to desired value (up to 60)
- set the number of scans to the desired value (nt=xxx, for example nt=128)
- collect the data, type ga in the command line